Shigeru Nishikawa

Copyright(c) Shigeru Nishikawa

Sealed House 121-New National Stadium 2- 970×1940mm oil, graphite, metal powder on canvas, panel 2020

個展の案内/Upcoming Solo Exhibition at Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO

Sealed House 60 / oil on canvas / 910×650mm / 2018

6月1日(金)からGallery OUT of PLACE TOKIOにおきまして個展「under construction or destruction」を開催します。

Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO 2018年 6月期展覧会:

西川茂 / Shigeru NISHIKAWA

「under construction or destruction」

会期:2018年6月1日(金)- 7月1日(日)
Exhibition period : 1st Jun. (Fri.) – 1st Jul. (Sun.), 2018

木 – 日 12:00-19:00 開廊 ※月・火・水休廊
Open : thu. – sun. 12:00 – 19:00 ※Closed : mon. tue. wed.& closed between 1st May. – 10th May.

2018年6月2日(土)18:00 – 19:30 ※入場無料 18:30頃より作家によるトークがあります。
Reception Party : 18:00 – 20:00 on 8th Apr., 2017
The artist will be present. Free admission.

会場 : Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO
101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6-11-14
3331Arts Chiyoda 207 号
tel・fax 03-6803-0248
access :

artist statement
今取り組んでいるのは建築中の建物群による都市の様相と、都市のランドマークになりうる建物の建築現場だ。特に昨年取材した香港の建築中の高層ビル群はその構造と色が、街の活気と共に強く印象に残っている。また、2020 年に向けて急ピッチで生まれ変わろうとしている東京にも興味は尽きない。
私のカンヴァス上での表現活動が、この変容し続ける世界と人間の営みをも内包する事になればと考えている。  文:西川茂

What I’m trying to draw now is buildings and the city under construction.Especially, I am really interested in the appearance under construction of the building which can be a landmark of the city.
For instance, the structure and the color of the skyscrapers in the building of Hong Kong that I visited last year, along with the vitality of the city, are very impressive and memorable. I am also attracted to Tokyo, which is reborn on a steep pitch for 2020.
In the city, something that had been there before was destroyed, and something new was made from the next to another. That’s how the city expands vertically and horizontally.
I hope my activity on canvas will involve the changing world and human workings.
text by Shigeru Nishikawa